I want to know more!!! My husband and I bought a beautiful block of land on the north-facing side of a gentle hill, in Kootingal NSW Australia. We built a big shed to live in while we built our home.

Back around 15 years ago, Optus built a cell tower on Council land on the rocky top of our hill, approximately 200m away from our home!😡 Of course, my objections fell on deaf ears. 😢

Over the past five years my husband has been fighting Cancer — first, bowel cancer, which was removed, and two further operations over the ensuing three years saw his bowel reconnected and the stoma and ileostomy reversed.

Then, he had what looked like a blood blister under his thumbnail. To cut a long story short, he eventually lost the distal phalanx of that thumb (amputated), and underwent a year of monoclonal antibody infusions, under our leading Professor, Georgina Long.

So far, he’s been two years NED, but still not 100 percent.

I still maintain that the tower behind us, especially after new 5G antennae have been fitted, is not good for us!

I now turn our internet router off, unless updating our phones, and have connected the computer via Ethernet cable. I have yet to investigate turning the Wi-Fi ability off.

I have Orgone pyramids, domes and discs all around the inside of the home, as we love our home, and feel that we would no longer get its value, having regard to the close proximity of the tower.

Our little Maltese Terrier is now having Epileptic Seizures — ever since the 5G antennae were switched on (estimated from the availability shown on the local Optus website).

We are still “tied down” due to ongoing medical investigations; but once they are done and sorted, we hope to hook up our caravan and go travelling.

We can only hope our health improves…I’m positive it will…especially if we stay away from built-up areas!

Any information to assist would be much appreciated.

PS: my husband has a bee hive, and I thought the tower might interfere with them…but not so far.

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I'd really like to help you develop a plan for reducing personal exposures. If you want some 1-1 coaching please get in touch via emfremedy.com web site. We have lots to talk about.

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Hi Keith,,,,,, I just watched the video on CHD — thank you so much. I’ll certainly be sharing it with my husband and family. I have several of the symptoms the ladies suffered — worsening heart palpitations, for which I have a referral to a specialist, and have had tinnitus for years, but I feel it’s been getting worse just lately.

For four years 2012 to 2016, I cared for my mother through her journey with Dementia. The stress left me with elevated autoimmune markers. I would sometimes have days where I had to go back to bed, I was so fatigued.

That went on for a couple of years, but slowly improved to where I was getting out in the garden and was quite active again.

Lately, though, I’ve been getting the same fatigue again, and feeling faint, but I’ve been putting it down to my heart and blood pressure problems.

Could it all be related to that damned tower??

I’ve also been wondering about grounding the motors and wiring under our bed (split king with massage and variable positioning capability, and compressed air cushioning, which needs those pumps active to hold the pressure, I think). Here in Australia, all our electrical circuitry is “earthed” through the wiring anyway.


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Here are some resources that will help: 94 audio episodes https://www.buzzsprout.com/2075097 my YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/@emfremedy/videos and my articles here on substack. Regarding symptoms, here's a helpful document: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Radio-Wave-Packet.pdf Hope this helps!

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So sorry to hear your tale... Good Luck!! xo xo and for the doggie xo

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Thank you 💞

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Wow. I don't have that happening, thankfully.

But I DO have symptoms. I live by this guy, my landlord, I think I may have told you this, who has a HAM RADIO. I sent him the recording you did where you mentioned that from your own past... Within TWO WEEKS I received an Eviction Notice from his attorney. Of course, it didn't mention that (I've been smeared by evil brothers who have issues with my parents' assets... long and unrelated story) ham radio thing... The guy (my LL) is LOSING HIS TEETH, as am I, plus tinnitus, joint pain, brain fog, lack of sleep... Sigh. I'll be out of here on Sunday/Monday, but while I'm glad about that, I'm also wondering if I should break down and get a free cell phone SO I CAN GET A JOB... If I get one, I can probably get a job with my Commercial Driving License... which I'd LOVE...

I'm thinking I could keep it in a faraday bag and check it occasionally... I don't want that fricken thing IN a vehicle with me!! I'd have to be up front about it with any boss I get... But... What think you?

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Hello Word Herder, I hope you've found another place to live that's got a better synthetic profile. Even better a place where you could implement some countermeasures and achieve ideal levels of exposure across the board. The cell phone thing? What a situation we're in -- pressured to contaminate our personal electromagnetic space so we can find work. So many struggle with this. Keep listening to Gary and my conversation as he and others have found ways to live without using a cell phone. It may require great sacrifice, but many have found an even more abundant life in the ways that matter.

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BELIEVE me, my friend, I WANT to live without a damn cell phone, but now I'm facing living ON THE STREET if I don't conform. I'm in good shape, but I'm a 63-y-o woman! I don't want to live out of my car, which might croak anytime...

I need to MITIGATE until we, as a country, can get this figured out, or keep looking for jobs that DON'T require cell phones. Trouble is, I have a big heavy EXTRA problem in the job search world, as my brothers have DEFAMED and otherwise SMEARED me, and others are jumping on that wagon, and I'm really having a hard time being my INNOCENT self... It's like a horror movie, my life, but only in the world of WORK. If I try to retire NOW, I'll only get a piddly amount... So you see what the NASTIES do to us? I am a great, and tragic, I might add ;) , poster child for When Fuckery Hits Home... Sigh.

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ME TOO: "This interview might take forever. I hope it does."

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Thank you Katherine!

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How can you avoid starlink?

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Look for an upcoming post on starlink...

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Great story, unbeievable. At least Gary found the root of his problem and could deal with it somehow. Thank you for all your work Keith, nice one.

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Thanks Peter!

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Yes, it took me 33 years to discover why I was so ill. How much more could I have achieved if I had been more aware with my early symptoms?

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I can relate to that, it took me 12 years. Imagine all visits to the different doctors but above all the suffering we could have spared. I heard that you are interested in body shielding. We need to talk...

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Hi Keith, what an organization to harvest those 7 precious minutes. There are so many unreachable people who have so much to teach us, starting with the patience to wait for what comes next !

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Thanks Agnes!

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