Thanks Keith, these two questions, taken together, open up a wide field of thought.

If we transpose this to other poisons: “What dose of cyanide do you find acceptable to ingest on a daily basis?”, or “What dose of nuclear radiation do you find acceptable to be permanently exposed to?”, “How many cigarettes can a child smoke per month?”, the answer will probably be unanimously “Zero!

I hope I'll still be around when the unanimous answer is “zero!” when it comes to synthetic EMFs. The only way we'll ever get there is if we keep believing it's possible.

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Couldn't agree more!

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Comments on the topics discussed in this article are welcome; other comments off-topic may be removed for the sake of focus. We're building a foundation upon which we can all benefit, creating healthier exposures in our homes.

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Aug 3Liked by Keith Cutter

I would LOVE to see the entire world, or at least a "test area" wherein ALL unnatural EMF's would be turned off for two or three weeks, and see what it feels like to the people within that area...

I'd bet if we did that everywhere, this problem would be eradicated pronto!

Oh, how I yearn to feel NATURAL! I'm not sure I EVER have. Thank you for your Good Work!

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There's a really interesting study that reveals what might happen if we could 'turn it all off'. Here's the study https://mdsafetech.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/shinjyo-t-and-shinjyo-a.-2014-significant-decrease-of-clinical-symptoms-after-mobile-phone-base-station-removal-e28093an-intervention-study.-.pdf or, if you like here's an audio podcast where I discuss: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2075097/13068009

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Aug 4Liked by Keith Cutter

I DO wish that these people, or others who have been able to FEEL the change, could be on a video or better still, LIVE TV, and talk about how good it felt...

THAT would maybe make some headway!

But my friend, I do think that the tide is turning, and things are shifting, and soon we will begin to see some serious movement... Maybe because nuclear war is sort of a downer...

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Aug 4Liked by Keith Cutter

Thanks, Keith! xo

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