Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Keith Cutter

Many thanks, Keith, for this video. For the first time you give voice to those who wholeshield in town, where we look like weird eccentrics, you give us back our human faces.

Without electromagnetic pollution, we're just like everyone else: friendly, lively and ingenious.

The anti-rf clothes available in ready-to-wear stores are not effective.

We sew and make our own emf-proof outfits. Anyone can do it. The hardest part is the fear before the first shopping hour. Then you realize that you're no longer in pain, and that people are curious and supportive.

As Torito says, the more of us who protect ourselves in this way, the more visible we'll be, and the sooner the problem of EMFs will become part of the public debate.

It's time to stop suffering. And to inform, everyone, everywhere, by emerging from invisibility, taking responsibility as whistleblowers.

Agnes aka Rosalito

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Thank you so much for writing these comments. This is such an important event in history. People in at least 3 different countries are no longer willing to suffer in silence and obscurity, no longer willing to be told what works and what doesn't work. They can try and do and find what works, what gives back the ability to return to community. Thank you for your willingness to lead, to show others what can be done.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Keith Cutter

Hello Keith, I want to take the opportunity to thank you for inviting me on this interview, as always you did a great job. I hope this video will help more people to understand that there are good shielding solutions and encourage them to try a body shielding suit enjoying all the benefits of it. I think that if people saw someone dressed like me, like a Mandalorian, at every street corner maybe the authorities would have to acknowledge that there is a real problem and take some action. As long as every EMF poisoned person hides or keeps a low profile the problem doesn't exist and we don't want that. We need EHS Pride. Be brave, empower yourself and may The Force be with you :). God bless you all

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Thanks Peter. You made this possible. Thanks for your willingness to get the word out. Keep innovating!

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So interesting how we gravitate to the same. My suit is a standard overall made from steel fibre material and works very well. But I have been wanting to make a more star wars kind of jedi suit for a while now. Got some material samples and am setting up a new sewing room. Hopefully in spring (still winter here in New Zealand) I will be able to work on my EMF clothing again. Thank you for the inspiring talk. Yes, we all need to come out more. Go beyond shame and hiding.

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"Yes, we all need to come out more. Go beyond shame and hiding."-- So true!

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Keith Cutter

I find the actual clothing part easy, you choose a pair of trousers and a jacket or hoodie you like and you sew or order at a taylor's something similar. Gloves are also fairly easy to make. I can even live with putting 40 hours of work into making my own shoes. But the head proteccion is the one I find most challenging. The veil over a hat is not perfect for vision and is awkward when the weather is windy. Hoods and balaclava type of protections are too hot depending on the season. My mandalorian helmet is s bit too heavy and gets annoying after a couple of hours. We need something more innovative. Rosalito found this, the design looks great and all we'd need to do is swap the frontal plastic screen with some good steel mesh. https://www.designboom.com/design/x-hood-face-shield-stuck-design-05-15-2020/

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I hope you will make this model as your new protection, your made your own shielded shoes, sure you can make this too !

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Gorgeous design, what an amazing efficiency and modern look.

And I have been enjoying your website, Rosalito is tight! I feel blessed to witness all this going on. I prob won't be staying on as paid member, gotta keep finances tight at the moment. But love to stay in touch. t.me/vasku

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Awesome video guys! Thank you for sharing. It is great to know that I am not alone in this. I have been wearing a fully shielded radiation suit for a couple of years now and people mistake me for a beekeeper in town. At this point in time it is the only way that I can move around in populated areas without getting brainfog followed by severe 24hr migraines the next day. I am constantly improving my gear and am happy to see that great minds think alike, as we all have very similar designs. It has been very interesting to see what these suits look like from a 3rd perspective. I had been considering putting signs on mine. Not too sure yet on that, what is more effective in communication. In any case, I am always very open and people come up to me to understand what it is what it is that I am wearing. I feel that over the last 3 years that i have been wearing the suit, people are starting to become way more open to the whole phenomena of electro poisoning.

The suit has definitely made a huge improvement in my life in public, though I am looking forward to go and have a dance and a party without any radiation. That would be one of my dreams.

At home I have changed all my electrics to 12V DC and regularly do measurements on my lines to be sure I have not inadvertently added any dirty waves on my DC setup. I have been pretty successful in lowering ELF, RF and magnetic fields in my surroundings. Including shielding of my computer, keyboard and mouse. Love to share more about that to people. Figuring out what a good medium that would be.

Oh, and thank you Keith, for the shout out about the episode numbering ;) Indeed, NZ. I have moved into a new place. Just tweaking some of the digital logistics to ensure continued fast connection. Looking forward to talking.

Cheers, Daniel Vasku

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You're back! Yea, that little numbering project was a bear, but you were right -- much better now. Glad to hear you're getting settled in a new place, hopefully with lower RF. Send a picture in your 'bee keeper' suit and I'll post it in a note -- if you like.

"The suit has definitely made a huge improvement in my life in public, though I am looking forward to go and have a dance and a party without any radiation. That would be one of my dreams." -- Yes!

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Yes, I'll make a photo, in about 2 days the rains should stop here for a snapshot

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Thank all of you , working together we can figure out what's being done to us and ourvplanet,and protect each other. God Bless

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Jul 29Liked by Keith Cutter

Thank you for this! Very inspiring. Most of my family is abroad (in reality, I'm the one who's abroad) and after my experience during the last plane trip I literally fear for my life. I realized that my only hope was a full body suit. I've thought along these lines but I'm hoping for something that would not draw too much attention. I'm not well equipped for that yet. One question I have is how you handle hot, humid summer days. The materials I'm familiar with are quite hot.

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Please take a look at part 2 where Peter talks about what he does differently for his very hot climate: https://keithcutter.substack.com/p/personal-protective-equipment-for?r=16nbbo

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Keith I can't find the instructions on this and the .materials

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Hey Keith, do you have an idea of how to get this translated in english

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Translation or a transcript?

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Also, I'm planning to post part 2 -- Making your own PPE for EHS today, God willing.

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Whatever would be in English on all 3 of these I'm trying but no luck. My daughter is a seamstress and can make these.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Author

None speak English as their native language. It was gracious of them to use English for the interview. The only social media I have for them are listed in the notes. Anne's is in French, Peter's in Spanish. I don't believe any have published any more in English than they have here.

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Hhhm trying to figure out the materials and the patterns

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I've posted part 2 on Techniques of making your own. Let's take this discussion over there...https://keithcutter.substack.com/p/personal-protective-equipment-for?r=16nbbo

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